1. What’s This Bug Eating Up My Carpets?

FEBRUARY 15 2022 /

What’s This Bug Eating Up My Carpets?

Unfortunately for homeowners, there are many bugs that can crawl around, in, or under, your carpets. Thankfully, most of them will not do harm to your carpets. 

Carpet beetles are a whole different story, they can cause significant damage to your carpet. 

If you are finding carpet damage in your Maryland home, it is very possible that carpet beetles have found a way inside your home. We are here to help you understand the problems these pests cause, and what you can do to avoid them.
First of all, it is important to understand that adult carpet beetles don't feed on carpets. It is the larvae of carpet beetles that do the damage. But, while that might sound like good news, it is important to understand that carpet beetles remain in their larval stage for 3 to 36 months.

You can have those bugs feeding on your carpets for as much as three years before adults beetles appear in your home.
Since adults don't feed on carpets, if you're finding bugs crawling around in your carpets, it is likely you're looking at the larvae of these beetles, which is why it is sometimes difficult to properly identify carpet beetle infestations.

Many people know what an adult carpet beetle looks like but far fewer could pick out carpet beetle larvae if presented with a group of bugs to identify.
In the Maryland and DC area, the carpet beetles we see most are called varied carpet beetles and they have bright orange and white coloration that makes them clearly recognizable.

If you're seeing these insects crawling around your home, they are a clear warning sign that you're dealing with carpet beetles.

Thankfully, the presence of adult carpet beetles doesn't always mean damage has been done.

Those insects could have gotten into your home to overwinter. If that is the case, you should have them dealt with quickly before they lay their eggs and those eggs turn into a one, two, or three-year ordeal.


Larvae Identification

Carpet beetle larvae are not nearly as pretty as the adults if you would even consider the adults to be pretty. They are tiny, caterpiller-like bugs.

They'll hide under your carpets, between floorboards, and even get into your bed with you. So, don't be surprised if you pull your sheets down and find groups of these ugly critters on your mattress.


Damage Identification

If you pull up a carpet, you will probably find fine dust between your carpet and the floor if you're dealing with carpet beetle larvae. This dust will be the same color as the fibers of your carpet.


Warning Signs

If you pull up a carpet and you see shed skins attached to your carpet, this can also be a sign that you're dealing with a carpet beetle infestation.

As larvae develop, they shed 5 to 12 times. But these beetles are far from the only bugs that can shed skins in your home. It is important to be aware that those skin could be from bed bugs or some other insect that hides under carpets.


Pest Control

When you find any bug hiding under your carpet, it is a good idea to call a pest management professional. Bugs can cause a lot of damage to your home. Your carpets are just the beginning.

Some will damage your drapes, tapestries, furniture, clothing, and more. Some will damage your wallpaper and other building materials. Some will feed on the wood of your home or create galleries in your wood.

Some don't do any damage to your home but they can make you and everyone else in your home very sick.

It is important to properly identify what bug you're dealing with and get appropriate treatments to arrest the problem.

At American Pest, we employ experienced bug experts who know how to figure out what's bugging you. No matter what bug you're dealing with, we have the tools, training, and support to address them.

If you don't have a carpet beetle infestation yet and you need practical tips for preventing a carpenter beetle infestation, or other resources for dealing with carpet beetles.

Our goal is to give our customers what they need to prevent pest problems and the support they need when pest problems happen out of nowhere.

Most of all, we provide ongoing, year-round residential pest control programs that work to prevent infestation "before" they take root, through the application of perimeter treatments and other exterior pest control services. Don't wait till something is bugging you. Take care of those bugs before they get in.